Greenhouse’s, McDonald’s and flatness’
I must say, I have been to Holland before. What has always struck me is the sheer space and how flat it is. What I haven’t noticed is how many McDonald’s there are and how much glass must have been used to build all the Greenhouses! Where Essex has industry, Holland has plants. GoPro’s are being adjusted, stopped and started as we make our way through the Netherlands – the temperature is currently 0.4 degrees C at 10am local time.
Below is a picture of the guys adding beam reflectors for the headlamps, apparently they drive on the other side of the road here. Madness, utter madness.
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February 7, 2015 at 09:43:31
If you had asked I could have told you that, I have been there many times but in the summer not winter. I knew about the headlights to you late grandad always did that… But strang how McDonalds have taken over….but oh the coffee lol