Helsingør – Decision made on the Road

Russell and Steven have now joined the group and after myself and Thor traversing 3 countries and 800 miles in about 2 days. The first thing they do? Complain about a 3 minute walk to the car as we had driven past them. Pah!

Due to an error programming the Sat Nav, a decision was made to use the ferry in Helsingør instead of taking the Bridge to Malmo. Now, it must be said, whenever Thor has made a mistake before it has normally turned out worse; more fuel, time and money – as with us all no doubt. BUT this time it has not only saved us over 70 miles it has also saved us time and money. We are currently headed to the ferry terminal to book a place to Helsinbørg in Sweden.

Our current aim is to get to Gothenburg by 8pm and plan the rest of the route in more detail.

Oh and buy beer, there is no way the guys are buying beer in Sweden. That’s what I’ve been told. the price is around 7 pounds for 500ml in a supermarket.

Currently the temperature is +3.4 degrees C (17:07)



By on Sunday February 8th, 2015 at 16:07 in Uncategorized - No Replies - Leave a Reply
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