
After a late start due to a late evening we were woken up by one of the site managers to say that we have missed breakfast but if we come over quickly we can have some. I spoke to the manager (An angry Norwegian Woman) who introduced herself in broken English by stating “I am the Boss, you are late.” To which i retorted by exclaiming “Right” and she then walked off. The man continued to be very pleasant and we proceeded to eat our continental breakfast.

After this we head out into the snow storm that had arrived during our brief interlude to take some shots, the amount of snow made this difficult and we eventually aimed to get to the Ice Hotel.IMG_8415

After booking our session at the Ice Hotel for tonight we head into town, where Thor got his first ever Parking ticket. The price for parking was free but you had to take a ticket in the shop entrance and put it in your window – ridiculous as there wasn’t a queue or a small amount of space for cars. I didn’t understand the need for this process but there are a lot of odd things in Norway, such as this:


We then proceeded to get back to the cabin. Whilst conversing in numerous Scandinavian languages and testing my pronunciation from my phrase book:

By on Wednesday February 3rd, 2016 at 17:43 in Alta - 1 Reply - Leave a Reply
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February 3, 2016 at 21:33:01

Well Michael at least you face is nice and warm but Steve looks a little chilly☃