The price of heating water
Now I want to say something here – I agree with a charge to heat water – its only fair! After all we have paid 15 quid in petrol to get to Harwich, 185 quid for a cabin on the ferry + car storage (Oversized for the Land Rover) + 3 People and 2.70 Euros for a small Heineken, What’s 90p for Hot Water?
A joke. That’s what it is.
It was at the point when i ordered that there was a massive flaw in my plan to take our own food – The fact that it needs hot water. I thought we would have an abundance, easy to heat and easy to get. I did not factor in the Ferry.
Oh the Ferry, wheres crisps cost you 1 Euro 20 Cents (25g) and beer is 7 Euros.
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