Tromsø and the trip home
As i write the rest of the guys are getting their gear ready to go home and fly from Tromso to Oslo and then on to Gatwick. We fly in the morning and are about to go to sleep.
Its been a great trip and will have many fond memories from all the places we have been not to mention the conversations that have happened.
Never would i have thought i would have been out on a lake in -25 taking photos of the sky and my beer freezing in the pocket of my jacket – Or, for that matter, seeing someone stick their tongue to the metal prong of a headrest in a car.
Lots of video from this trip and I will attempt to make the film in the coming months.
Ill hopefully update a post at the airport but our flights are pretty close together and may be when back in England.
Heres to you Norway/ Finland and Sweden.
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